Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sougandhika Pushpa

Sougandhika Pushpa

Arjuna had gone to the Himalayas in quest of
Divine weapons from Indra. In case of war he
Would have to face invincible warriors like
Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Aswatthama, Karna
And many others. For this it was necessary to
Acquire more power. The other four Pandavas
And Draupadi found life devoid of joy in his
Absence. Desiring a change of scene, they now
Moved on in search of a more peaceful place.
At last they came to the Narayanasrama forest.
They decided to take rest and stay there for a
While. One day, the north-east wind wafted a
Flower near Draupadi. The sweet scent of the
Flower charmed her. Draupadi felt a deep desire
To possess that flower known as Sougandhika.
She requested Bhima to get her that flower. She
Was very insistent. Bhima was only too pleased
To satisfy her least desire. He forthwith set out

In the direction from which the fragrance came.

The way through the forest was far from easy.
Before long at the foot of a mountain he saw

A huge monkey resting on his path, blocking

His way. He asked the monkey to get up and
Clear the way for him. The monkey was in no
Mood to oblige. It said: “I am too old and weak
To move. The monkey said “If you are in such hurry, you can move my tail aside and go ahead.” Bhima’s threats did not have any effect on the monkey.
Finding no other way, Bhima tried to pull the monkey’s tail aside .But he could not move it even a little bit. He felt very humiliated and subdued. He told the monkey "You are no ordinary monkey. Please tell me who you are. I accept defeat and bow to you”.
Hanuman said “Bhima, I am that Hanuman
Which name you mentioned a little while ago.
I am your brother. Your path ahead is perilous.
It is the path of the gods and is not safe for men.

So I came to caution you. I knew you have

Come to collect the Sougandhika flower. I
Shall show you the pond, where this flower
Grows. You can collect as many as you want
And go back. Bhima was happy. He bowed
To Hanuman and requested him to show his
Huge form in which he jumped over the sea,
One hundred yojanas wide, to land on Lanka.
Hanuman increased his size till he seemed

To occupy the whole landscape, like a hill.

His form was dazzlingly white ; so Bhima
Had to cover his eyes . Resuming his normal
Form, Hanuman embraced Bhima and blessed

Hanuman then took leave of his brother after
Blessing him. Following Hanuman’s advice,
Bhima collected many Sougandhika flowers
From the pond and went back to present them
To Draupadi, anxiously waiting for his return.

Source: Internet


  1. Thanks for sharing Puranic knowledge.

  2. Replies
    1. Kalyanasougandhikam is a native plant in China, regions around northeast India, Nepal and many southeast Asian countries. It is also seen in tropical South India including Kerala. However, the plant also exhibits its invasive nature in many parts like Africa and America where it was introduced from the east.
